Thursday, February 7, 2013

Song of the Day - Swa Cwæð Eardstapa

Men As Trees - Swa Cwæð Eardstapa from Weltschmerz (2008)


Here's a perfect epic opener for a supah blizzard. The English translation for this song means "So Spoke a Wanderer" and features the voice of Bob Swerer Jr., who narrated Dick Proenneke and his amazing feats as he hunts and builds a log cabin all by himself to survive the cold winters of Alaska. This particular narration comes from the first documentary of Dick Proenneke's first voyage into the Alaskan woods, entitled, Alone in the Wilderness; one of the best documentaries out there in my opinion.

I meant to feature this song a little earlier (maybe on January 2nd - the date read in the opening minute of the song) but I figured I would wait until there was a really cold day leading into a severe snow storm like today. (song's free!)

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