Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Match of the Day - Akebono versus Big Daddy V in slow motion.

Akebono vs. Big Daddy Voodoo - AJPW (2011)

In honor of fat Tuesday, I present a match featuring that guy who sumo wrestled Big Show at Wrestlemania 21 and won, taking on Big Daddy Voodoo, better known to the viewers at home as either that guy with the man-tits named Big Daddy V, The fat guy in the pajamas called Big Vis, that big black guy in all black in The Undertaker's Ministry as Viscera, or that fat guy in purple who kept hurting people and actually won the 1995 King of the Ring... Mabel - depending on when or if you ever have ever seen him wrestle in the last two decades.

So yeah, this is definitely a "how much do these guys weigh?" Art Donovan kind of match up!

PS: No, this match was not recorded in slow motion, but from the stamina and speed that these two superheavyweights possess, it almost seems like this match has been slowed down to a snails pace... or should I say, a Akebono meets Big Daddy V pace.

Luckily for the Japanese fans, Big Daddy did cover up those titties of his... Ayeyeye.

God love the dead silent Japanese crowd.

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