Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Match of the Day - RIP to The World's Largest Love Machine

Viscera vs. Simon Dean - Raw (2005)

Nelson Frazier, Jr., known by countless different names and gimmicks throughout his career, has passed away. Some of his most memorable gimmicks include: Mabel, Viscera, Big Daddy V, or "The World's Largest Love Machine" Big Vis.

Here's a match that depicts the mastodon just prier to his giant pajama run in WWE squashing the fitness guru and seducing Lilian Garcia the ring announcer. It also includes quite the .gif material:

For some, Nelson Frazier, Jr. will forever be remembered as that big guy on a mission that won the King of the Ring and kept hurting people, other people will remember him as that big guy dressed in all black and a white mohawk from the Undertaker's ministry, others will remember him as that big guy who really needed to put a shirt on in WWE's ECW, and others, like me, will forever remember the World's Largest Love Machine with the World's largest pajamas.


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