Friday, April 26, 2013

Match of the Day - "Hood" Tracy Smothers wrestles as Shaquille Ali in USWA

Tracy "Shaquille Ali" Smothers w/the Nation of Domination vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler Unified World title match - USWA (1997)

Don't let Corey whats-his-name foul you on commentary, Tracy Smothers might be the name given to him at birth, but Smothers around 1997 was now known as Shaquille Ali, a member of USWA's Nation of Domination. Smothers, known for being a down-home southern boy most of his career decided to join the Nation, led by PG-13 of Faarooq's original WWF stable, and live out the life of "the hood".

While this Nation of Domination was not as well written as WWF's version, USWA had something that could have been really good with the individuals involved. In a way, this Nation was more like the original Full Blooded Italians gimmick that ECW had created where most of the members were not really full blooded just really hot blooded. Most of the Nation were not really from the hood or had any business being in a Malcolm X like stable. I should also point out that Tracy Smothers was in the original Full Blooded Italians stable.

One thing that this Shaquille Ali gimmick lacked was a heel commentator to help drive home the fact that Tracy Smothers was no longer the country boy that he used to be and now known by his nation name, Shaquille Ali. This heel figure could have also strengthened the gimmick by explaining just what the "Nation of Domination" was and what they were all about.

Personally, I find Tracy Smothers to be one of the most underrated wrestlers of his time. He's a great heel, he's capable of playing something other than a cowboy even though he's from the south, he's been named after two of the greatest athletes of all time, and - on top of all that - he once wrestled a bear! An un-muzzled bear!

If that doesn't spell championship material... a don't know what does.

The match: Smothers as Shaq Ali gets a shot at the Unified World title against Jerry "I own this company so I'm King" Lawler. Smothers almost wins the match due to interference by Wolfie D of PG-13, but Brian Christopher, Lawler's son, comes out to stop the 3 count. Unfortunately for Lawler, referee Downtown Bruno (Harvey Wippleman) only sees the interference by Christoper and reverses the discussion of the match. Shaq wins but Lawler retains the title. 

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