Monday, January 20, 2014

Match of the Debut - Batista... Deacon Batista.

Reverend D-von & Deacon Batista vs. Randy Orton & Faarooq - Smackdown (2002)

Obligatory debut match of the day for the returning Batista.

While this wasn't the first time that a man named "Deacon Batista" was seen carrying around a donation box for D-Von Dudley's Reverend alter-ego, this was the first time that this large individual actually stepped into the ring and had a match on Smackdown. 

It just so happens that one of the competitors on the other side of the ring would eventually accompany Batista into a much bigger role in the WWE with the forming of the modern-day Four Horsemen stable, Evolution. That individual would be Randy Orton. He's apparently a champion or something right now but I couldn't tell you because I always fall asleep when he's on TV. 

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